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Volume 4 Issue 4; Leadership Insight
2021 Leadership News
Symposium Update

Leading Forward to San Marcos in 2022!

While we had to cancel 2021, we are looking forward to bringing you several different short chats with leaders in our industry over the next months. 

Please stay tuned for our video chats!

In case you missed it last week
Leadership Perspectives
My Thoughts on Leadership

Leadership - Being Present

We hear all the time, “who do you work for ?" For years that was a question asked as to who your supervisor was in our agency. The truth is, the higher up in an organization you go, the more people you work for. That concept may not be a new one, but it sure isn’t put into a practical sense in many circumstances. It takes a commitment to fundamentally change from a top down leadership model to one of personal involvement. This would be a model of showing your personnel that a leadership position is about ensuring your workforce not only has the knowledge, skills and abilities, but also the tools and opportunities for personal and professional growth.

In order to be that kind of leader it is imperative to be present. That does not mean just sitting in your office, with an “open door policy”, waiting for people to come in. It means to be out and about, learning what makes your employees tick, inquiring what their interests are and showing them, they are valued. Once they know that you are there for them, they will give you more than you could ever expect.

Be the leader that has clear intent and does not react emotionally to adverse issues.  Do not tell people what they want to hear but tell them the truth. Have the courage to be the leader that starts the difficult conversations. Your employees future personal and professional growth is directly related to your honest evaluations and feedback.

I was fortunate enough to have a leader in the very beginning of my career twenty-seven years ago who instilled these ideals in me. They have served me well.   

John P. Danciart
Assistant Fire Chief
Sacramento Fire Department

Leadership in the News

Firefighters' Top 8 Characteristics of Effective Leaders
— Chief Patrick Kelly & Battalion Chief Tom Gaeta

We talk a lot in the fire service about our high standards and what is expected of firefighters by their bosses and by the department. But what about “them”? What about the people who we serve and protect?

Read more about Firefighters' Top 8 Characteristics
Keys to Leadership

12 Leadership Lessons to Learn from the Navy SEALs

The crucial interest in leadership of an elite unit stems from the fact that once on the ground, these professionals have to lead men in an environment where the slightest mistake can have life-threatening consequences. Despite enormous stress and stakes that few would withstand, these men and women work as formidably efficient teams. I bring to you here the 12 keys to the "Extreme Ownership" programme that Jocko and Leif extracted from their highly skilled military experience and adapted to the business world where they now work as leadership consultants.

Read More about the 12 Leadership Lessons to Learn
Quote of the Month
The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.” ~ Ronald Reagan
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