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Leadership Perspectives
My Thoughts on Leadership - James Mallinger

James Mallinger
Fire Chief
Cedar Park Fire Department

Actions of a Great Leader

When I was asked if I was willing to write about leadership, my first thought was where do I start. Immediately what came to mind was much of the study material used both past and present for promotions. My next thought was everything I learned in courses I have taught and taken. Another thought was to google leadership and see what was on the web. The first definition of leadership I found online was “the art of motivating a group of people to act towards a common goal”. Another definition was “the action of leading a group of people or an organization”. Online, John Maxwell defined leadership as “one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way”.

All of these thoughts lead me to identify the actions I have observed from great leaders. I believe great leaders must exhibit the following:

1. Great leaders value their foundation and lead by sticking to their core values. Leaders must have a foundation in order to provide a direction and not be seen as just jumping issue to issue or crisis to crisis.

2. Great leaders must communicate. Good communication is essential for getting your message across and sharing your vision with your employees. Good communication is of dire importance during times of trouble or crisis. A good leader must be willing to have the difficult conversations and bring up unpopular topics in order for their organization to get through crisis or difficult times.

3. Great leaders have a positive attitude and care about their employees. Employees will not follow a leader if they don’t feel that leader will take care of them. They also will not gain from a leader who is negative and unwilling to improve the situation around them.

4. Great leaders must use empowerment and delegation to help develop their employees. By setting clear expectations, leaders that empower and delegate allow employees to grow, make decisions and expand their capabilities thus preparing them for expanded roles in the future.

Leaders come from all levels and areas within an organization. It is the job of a great leader to find and help develop them for the future of your organization.